Null Pointer Exception - 3lb Combat Robot

After spending some time in the iRobotics RSO building combat robots, I wanted to join the world of hobbyist combat robotics with my own entry. I designed a 3lb "Beetleweight" class combat robot with a high-speed horizontally spinning "undercutter" blade, designed to dish out high-kinetic energy impacts to other robots and destroy their frame and wheels.

CAD model of the robot

CAD model with top plate removed to reveal internals

A featured match against a tough opponent

Image Gallery


CAM program developed in Fusion360 for chassis machining

Top half of chassis mid-machining


Both halves of the chassis post-machining with standoffs inserted

Both halves of the chassis post-machining with standoffs inserted

The full robot assembled for the first time!


The robot after a long day with a 3rd place trophy! And a very gouged, but still usable chassis